Quotes From "On The Other Side Of Fear: How I Found Peace" By Hallie Lord

We are all constantly being refined by fire and smoothed...
We are all constantly being refined by fire and smoothed over by grace. Hallie Lord
I think one of the things that has always stopped me from truly leaning into my fears is that I'm not always sure whether my dreams line up well with God's plan for my life. I might be willing to take a leap of faith if I was sure that God wanted me to leap. Hallie Lord
Help me to love them better and more. Fill in the cracks that formed when I failed to be careful enough with them. Let their innocent minds remember the happy times more often than they remember the sad. Fill them with your love and grace. Hallie Lord
When God created each of us, he tucked a little bit of his divine imagination into our souls. He did this, I think, so that we can conceive of the fact that our world contains so much more than we can see, feel, and touch. Hallie Lord
[…] God gives grace for the situation, not the imagination. Hallie Lord